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Panel: Metadata


The Metadata panel provides the ability to show all or specific Asset Metadata key / value pairs in tabular form. Metadata fields and values are typically used to store static information about the asset such as serial numbers, specifics on location in a site, equipment tag numbers, last service dates, etc.

Example uses for metadata:

  • management information such as serial number, equipment tags, etc
  • OEM, vendor, manufacturer information such as model numbers
  • Important dates, times, and contact info such as installation or upgrade information.
  • Important links such as to part stores or internal documents
  • Any other reference or important information about the asset
  • Calibration data, operating points, etc.

Example of the Metadata panel


This panel allows selecting one, multiple, or all metadata keys/values for the Asset.

Editing in the Metadata Configuration

Configuration Item Description
Panel Title The name the panel will use
Meta - Show in Panel If selected, this metadata key and value will be displayed in the panel.
Meta - Panel Editing If enabled, this metadata will be able to be edited by a viewer of the panel.
Show Search Enables the search bar for the table
Allow Editing Allows editing of Metadata fields that allow this by a viewer of the panel. If disabled all fields are view only
Show All Will always show all metadata fields for this asset, even new ones that are added. No selection necessary.
  • This panel can be used on an Asset's dashboard, to show that specific Asset's metadata. Other assets' metadata or use on a group dashboard is not supported.
  • The Metadata feature access is managed by administrators.